What is the purple circle on Instagram stories? What does the purple ring mean on instagram?

Well we all know colourful is a regular instagram story and the green circle is close friends. But what does an instagram story with a purple circle mean?

00:00 – Regular Stories and Close Friends
00:09 – What is the Purple Circle?
00:20 – How do purple Instagram Stories work
00:59 – I don’t have access to the feature?
01:14 – How much is an Instagram Subscription?
01:19 – How do I subscribe to a creator?

Instagram released a new feature last year (currently only available in the US) which allows its users to subscribe to specific creators allowing them to see exclusive content as long as they have a paid subscription with the creator.

The creator subscription gives you access to more than just stories with a purple ring, you also get posts, Reels, subscriber-only group chats, and more..!!

Read more about Instagram subscriptions – https://help.instagram.com/6664443263597338/?helpref=related_articles

Subscription pricing – https://help.instagram.com/748353609674535/?helpref=related_articles

How to subscriber to a creator – https://www.facebook.com/help/638796193812425?helpref=faq_content

Now you know what instagram story purple circle means and you know why are some Instagram stories purple.

Thanks for watching.
