Entrepreneur Articles

New take on job promotions

New take on job promotions

There are not enough employers out there giving their employees real 1-on-1 attention. In reality, this is one of the simplest ways to improve your company culture. You want to see results? You want better retention? Start practicing actually caring .. meet with your...

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Can you solve this? 🧐

Can you solve this? 🧐

Who's got it? drop your answer in the comments.. — Thanks for watching! Join My Discord!: https://www.garyvee.com/discord Check out another series on my channel: Keynotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vCDlmhRmBo&list=PLfA33-E9P7FCEF1izpctGGoak841XYzrJ NFTs:...

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Parents, listen up! 👂

Parents, listen up! 👂

This is something so many parents should consider pondering … what are you validating to your children? Sports success, school grades, looks, many of these things don’t map to real life in their 20,30,40’s. It’s a super worthwhile thing to give a lot of thought to… I...

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Are kids addicted to screens?

Are kids addicted to screens?

We are in control, there’s something always going on “outside” but we have more power than we think. I have amazing news for all the parents when it comes to technology, do what parents did in the 50’s,70’s, 80’s .. take that shit away.. I know it’s not easy but...

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Dealing with grief

Dealing with grief

Grief is one of those things that hits everybody so differently, and what works for one person might not work for the next. We need a different conversation around grieving ... and most importantly, we need to be kind .. to ourselves and to others. You never know what...

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