Ranking number one on Google is tough. Wouldn't it be great if you could get more traffic than your competition from SEO even if you ranked lower than them? Today I'm going to teach you how to get more traffic than your competition when you rank lower than them....
SEO Articles
The Complete 2021 SEO Guide and Tutorial
This is a comprehensive 2021 guide to SEO. So if you want a step-by-step walkthrough that shows you every single step, you’ll love the actionable tactics in this video. So, what will you learn in this video? First up, I’m going to show you how to find untapped...
The Dumbest SEO Hack (That Works)
Wouldn't it be great if there was a dead simple SEO hack that would just help boost your rankings, but didn't require that much work. You don't have to be that technical. You don't have to build links. You don't have to worry about keywords and yet you can just...
A Dead Simple SEO Strategy That’ll Generate 1 Million Visitors
SEO is super competitive. Wouldn't it be nice if there was just a strategy that worked, and that wasn't as competitive, and didn't take as long to get results? Today, I'm going to break down a super, dead simple SEO strategy that can get you a million visitors a...
How SEO Will Change in 2021
Google has over 3000 algorithm changes that they release each and every single year. That's a lot of algorithm changes. You already know SEO changes so frequently because of the number of algorithm changes that Google releases. Now sure, most of them are small but...
My 9 Favorite Free SEO Tools For 2021
In this video you’re going to see my favorite SEO tools right now. And did I mention that they’re all free? Well, they are. Now, to be clear: this isn’t just a list of tools. That’s not super valuable. Especially for a video. So what I’m going to do in this video is...
How to Grow Your SEO Traffic by Updating Your Old Content
You write all this amazing content, and after putting in months and months of hard work, you start getting rankings, but then you fast forward a year. A year later, what happens? Your traffic starts going down. Today I'm going to teach you how to grow your SEO traffic...
How To Protect & Grow Your Business With Digital Accessibility & SEO
► Do you want a free 30-minute consultation with one of our agency experts? Click the link below to claim your webinar offer: https://npdigital.com/call ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/...
Why You Shouldn’t Use Exact Match Domains (Don’t Make This SEO Mistake)
Whenever you Google terms like hotels, you may end up seeing sites like hotels.com at the top. And this may make you think that, "Hey, I need to go out there "and spend a ton of money to buy one of these "exact match domains where the exact keyword "that I want to...
The Secret Local SEO Recipe – Module 2 – Lesson 3 – Local SEO Unlocked
This is our last lesson where I give a summary over everything. Local SEO is critical if you want your brick and mortar businesses stay relevant in the next five, 10 or even 20 years. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Download the Assets...
The Easy Way to Rank Local Websites – Module 2 – Lesson 2 – Local SEO Unlocked
Today we're going to be breaking down on an off page SEO. So how do you rank well in local search? Well, it comes down to a three things, proximity, relevance and prominence. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Download the Assets mentioned...
How to Create Content That Ranks in Local Areas – Module 2 – Lesson 1 – Local SEO Unlocked
I'm going to be breaking down how to build local content. So in today's lesson, we're going to talk about identifying keywords, creating your content, and then beating your competition. And there's a little bit more steps than that, but I didn't want to bore you with...
How to OWN Google My Business Rankings – Module 1 – Lesson 3 – Local SEO Unlocked
Today is another day of Local SEO Unlocked where we break down, setting up your map listings. There's quite a few different things that you need to know from this Google My Business to Bing places to Facebook, Facebook locations and Apple maps and we'll be going over...
Local SEO Signals (And How to Master Them) – Module 1 – Lesson 2 – Local SEO Unlocked
Today is another day of "Local SEO Unlocked," where I teach you how to dominate the local SERPs. Today we're going to be focusing on local SEO signals. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/...
Welcome to my FREE Local SEO Course – Local SEO Unlocked – Module 1 – Lesson 1
Today I have a new course for you called Local SEO Unlocked, where I teach you how to dominate the local SERPs. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Download the Assets mentioned in this course: https://neilpatel.com/training/ Ubersuggest:...