103K followers, 30M views in 40 Days. My exact process and takeaways.
📞 Build Your IG Growth System in 8-Weeks: https://creatormentorship.com/?el=igu1 (Last Cohort 5 Spots Remaining)
✉️ Weekly Insider Strategies & Content Strategy 👉 https://iginsiders.com/club/?el=igu1 (Free Value Newsletter)
Does The IG Algorithm Hate You?: https://youtu.be/CmnAL4rs1cI
📋 I’m hiring! Can you edit videos like this? Are you versed in motion graphics? – hi@heydominik.com – Subject Line: Motion Graphics Editor (Hiring in September!)
0:00 – 100k Followers, 15M Views in 60 Days. Challenge accepted.
1:24 – Step 1: Market Research & Strategy
3:11 – Expanding the Research because we didn’t find anything
4:45 – Our Initial Content Pillars
7:16 – Step 2: Posting & Executing To Grow Fast
9:02 – Why people don’t follow your new account
11:53 – Activating the Community and fuelling growth
14:11 – Step 4: Creating Natural Binge Sessions
16:25 – Fixing The Hooks
18:16 – Forcing Longer Binge Sessions (ultra growth hack)
20:31 – Optimize For These Metrics

Ask me specific questions about your content & get featured: https://form.typeform.com/to/rzRrjHUr

☝️I’m NOT part of MVRQ anymore
