In this lesson, we’re going to break down case studies. I’m going to share seven lessons from the top 50a YouTube channels. Some of these channels you may be familiar with, I’m going to really dive deep into them, so let’s get started.

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Lesson one, find your focus and stay in your lane. Focus on one topic, one category, don’t try to master 15. YouTube really likes ranking channels that focus, versus channels that are broad and are on everything.

Lesson two, you are a media company first. All media companies have to tell stories really well. And it’s important as you’re building your company to tell a story that people can relate to. Stories are super, super important because not only does it help you build an audience, but when you’re using storytelling and people can bond with you, they’re much more likely to bond for you.

And now let’s go over the next lesson, which is you need to diversify your income from video. Think of a product that you can sell and sell it from the beginning. Think of a service you can sell and sell that as well.

Lesson number four, you need to understand your audience’s purchasing power. What can they buy? What’s the age range? Is what you’re selling, or the services, going to make you a lot of money? If not, what other things can you do to make money off of them? Are there any good affiliate programs? What data do you already have that exists in the space that can help me out so that way I’m not going to waste time or make mistakes?

Lesson number five, play the long game. YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint. A few videos won’t make you a overnight success, that’s why we went over in the previous lessons on how to schedule videos and how to optimize them from the keywords, to the thumbnails, to the research, this what all successful channels do really well.

Lesson six, become an important part of your online community. Look, YouTube is a social site, it’s a social network. You need to meet other community members, you need to connect with them, you need to comment, you need to respond, you need even try to meet some of these people offline. You need to pick up tips and figure out what’s working for others and learn from them. You don’t know everything, I don’t know everything. Things constantly evolve, especially when it comes to social algorithms.

Lesson seven, even if you’re doing everything, you need to be patient. You know, when you look at the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise ends up winning. Consistency, quality over quantity, repeating processes, building trust, that’s what’s going to help you win.

So now I want to go over the exact steps to setting up sequential retargeting.

First, you want to choose the initial video that you want to serve first.

Then you want to create another list by clicking on custom combination option in your audience creation dialogue.

Then you want to change the inclusion parameter to any of these audiences or, fourth, I want you to find the video and add it to retargeting, and click on the done button.

Fifth, I want you to add a set of audiences by clicking the and button. And here you want to select “None of these audiences.”

Six, find all the remaining videos in your sequences and add them to the same, “None of these audiences,” targeting.

Seven, click done, enter your description, and boom, you have your first retargeting step finished.

I know I went through this lesson pretty quickly, but you can go to, click on YouTube Unlocked, and click on week two, video two, and then download the YouTube Technical Aspects guide, and then download your 7 Lessons Guide, so that way you get more step by step instructions, so you can go through everything step by step and not miss a beat.

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