RICH PINS on Pinterest Not Working? CHANGES to How you can Add Pin Titles to Your Pins on Pinterest.
If you are trying to understand how to enable Rich pins because they don’t work for your site no matter what you try, maybe it’s time to give up and add pin titles manually!
You can now add and edit pin titles on Tailwind scheduler. You also can do this manually on Pinterest platform. Something is going to change about Rich pins
I hope this video was answered a lot of your questions – now you know why Rich pins are not working and why you should be OK with it. You also know how you can make sure that you do have pin titles (and it doesn’t always mean more work for you, with Tailwind it can be less work if you use board lists and interval scheduling).
If you joined Pinterest in the last 4-5 months, you mostly likely tried to verify your site in the same period of time, and you most probably had an issue with Rich pins (they showed as Enabled, but didn’t pull the meta data from your site). I will tell you soon in this video why you should probably ignore Rich pins issue in the future.
This issue has been confirmed by Pinterest support as something they are working on, and we all noticed that about 2 months ago Pinterest added on their platform, a new EDITABLE field for pin titles.
I will show you later in the video how you can add and edit pin titles on Pinterest manually, so don’t get distracted now if you had no idea where you can manually add pin titles.
So, the fact that after about 8 years of its existence, Pinterest added the editable field for pin titles. That was the first sign for me that Pinterest is not actually trying to fix Rich pins, they are trying to replace that functionality with something that users could control manually.
Now, the good news is NOW you can edit and add pin titles on Tailwind as well.
This is really a great news for those who had the Rich pins issue.
If you are not quite understanding what does the Rich pins issue even mean, let me show you.
Pinterest ….. pins that are normal and working vs pins that are not working
– Pins linked to Youtube videos never worked as Rich pins, now we can add titles to them in Tailwind and schedule them with titles to multiple boards.
– Pins linked to Instagram and Etsy for most of us also didn’t pull pin titles – you can now have fully functional pins scheduled in Tailwind, no matter where they are linked to.
What I recommend you do in the next few days is go to your Tailwind schedule and check how your pin titles work at this time.
You might notice some pins have empty pin titles fields, or just one word instead of the full title. You can now edit them all to make sure your new pins are published with pin titles.
You DON’T NEED TO go back and edit all your pins that have been saved on Pinterest previously without pin titles (this is true for sites which have Rich pins issue). All changes on Pinterest go into effect when they are rolled out, and don’t affect your old pins.
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