In this video, I’m going to show you this INSANE METHOD that you can use to make money on YouTube WITHOUT showing your face. I’m not lying when I say this is absolutely insane… I know your mind is about to be blown with how fast & easy you can create these videos and make money! Enjoy 🙂

The Simple $7 Program That Changed My Life, Forever:

Resources from the video:

Vidnami Free Trial:
Vidnami 25% OFF:
Fiverr Script Writer:
Budget Microphone:
Free YT Course:

Overview of this video:

So I’m about to show you what I believe is one of the BEST ways to make money on YouTube without showing your face. The best part is, you can use this little-known secret method to make your videos super fast… WITHOUT recording, editing, or even using your voice (if you don’t want to).

First, you always have to choose your niche and really nail that down because the RICHES are in the NICHES! I explained the 3 main evergreen niches in my last video (health, wealth, and relationships) but you want to not just want to go 2 layers down, so 3 layers deep… that is truly where the RICHES are.

Second, it’s time to check out the software that makes this all possible! The software is called “Vidnami” you can get a free trial here if you’d like to follow along with me: — this software is truly mind blowing and I show you exactly how to do it, step-by-step. But basically, all you need is a script… which leads us into the third step.

Third, like I said… time for the script! You have 2 options when it comes to writing the script: 1, you can watch other videos in your niche and re-write those videos into your own script, using your own words. Or 2, pay someone on FIverr to write the script for you. If you’d rather have someone write it for you, you can use this script writer here for the best value:

Fourth, you upload the script into Vidnami and then you can either keep the scenes exactly how they are… or change them around a little bit to better suit the scenes to your topic. However, Vidnami does an extremely good job doing this automatically, but I’d suggest looking over it just to be safe (I show exactly how to do this on the video).

Fifth, after you have your scenes situated with the media clips you like, it’s time to add a voiceover. You can either use their AI voice (which sounds super real), buy a microphone and record the voiceover a sentence at a time inside of Vidnami, or simply use your phone to record the voiceover in the voice memo app. I personally used my phone to show you that it’s possible to do it completely free. But the AI voice works great, you just can’t do it while you’re on the free trial. So if you want to use that option, grab Vidnami for 25% off here:

Sixth, simply download the video & upload it to YouTube. If you don’t know how to do any of that, you can watch my free YouTube course here: — After uploading your video, make sure you’re monetizing this video with ClickBank products that are specific for your niche, that way you can make money BEFORE you ever get monetized on YouTube.

And boom, that’s exactly how to make money on YouTube WITHOUT showing your face! This method is truly amazing for beginners and ClickBank is a great way to monetize… but unfortunately, the commissions on ClickBank just won’t be very big…

…so if you want to learn how to start an online business with the simple $7 program that changed my life, forever – plus, learn how you can promote that same program as an affiliate to make HIGH TICKET commissions, click the link below to get started today:



Some of the links in this video/description may be affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of the links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no extra charge to you). I only recommend products that I personally use and have tested myself. Also, Income and/or earnings representations are aspirational statements of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results. Your results in business will depend entirely on things like your work ethic, experience, etc. and there is always a risk in business. Understand that we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. Lastly, I am not a financial advisor and this is not legal advice (do your own due diligence).
